What IT Should Pay Attention to When Choosing a New ERP

The decision has been made, it's time for a new software system for your food company. The current system is outdated, it requires too much manual work and your business processes are no longer optimally supported. As a company, you need to work well together to make the implementation of a new ERP platform work, so it is very important that everyone has the same goals. But it's not surprising that you see different interests in different roles within the company. In the coming weeks, we will focus on the interests of the management team, the department manager and the IT manager in a food company during an ERP process and its implementation. What do they think is important? And more importantly, what should they pay attention to when choosing and implementing a new ERP platform? A few weeks ago, we focused on the management team. Up next: the IT manager.

What should you pay attention to as an IT manager?

That the new ERP is coming, is clear. Which makes it time to choose a system ánd an automation partner. And as an IT manager, your vote in choosing the right fit counts. But what should you pay attention to? First of all: Manageability. Sure, big plans are exciting, but don’t be fooled: getting away from your current hub and spoke system isn’t something you should take lightly. Choose a strong backbone as your standard solution, so that you can link the modules that are of great importance to your specific food company in a manageable way. That’s how you know for sure: the base is rock solid ánd the food specific functionality you’re looking for is added to this. Furthermore, look for a partner that’s not just a ERP supplier, but a sparring partner. Together you can make sure that your digital agenda is ready to go – that’s how you stimulate that your company is ready for digital transformation. Which is so important nowadays. Especially right now, it hasn’t been rocket science to see the importance of digitalization during COVID-19.

From system administrator to digital advisor

When you choose a new, innovative ERP platform as a company, the role of the IT manager changes as well. An IT manager is traditionally still seen as a system administrator, this change in ERP is your opportunity to switch to the role of digital advisor. Together with your ERP partner, ensure that your entire organization is ready for digital transformation. Turn the tables around and take that advisory role towards the business. Implementing a new ERP system is a big job for the entire company - and it's your moment to shine.

Get optimal return from the ERP package

In our whitepaper you can read with which 9 conditions you get the best return from your new ERP package. Definitely worth the read!

Next time: The department manager.